Alfiniti News

Celebrating Dramm!

Alfiniti treats long-time customer, Dramm to lunch to celebrate the opening of their new manufacturing facility in Fond Du Lac, WI.

Dramm Corporation has been a leader in watering tools and accessories for 80 years. It all started with a man named John G. Dramm and his invention that revolutionized the way greenhouses; nurseries and gardeners water their plants. Dramm offers a full line of Rain Wands, sprinklers and watering tool accessories. Our role is to supply the aluminum tubing for their Rain Wands.

They’ve been a valuable customer over the years and we wanted to give them a little something to show our appreciation.

Dramm luncheon
Alfiniti’s Steve Tilker and Dramm’s Cathy Brunner getting ready to serve lunch.
Dramm recognizing and thanking us on their company communication board for lunch.